How to install Fish Shell on Debian 10

Fish – is an alternative shell that will be more convenient and practical for you to use. Fish is fully scriptable and its syntax is simple, straightforward, and consistent. You will never write esac again. Also, Fish supports 24-bit true color, which is the latest in terminal technology. Take a look at the monospaced rainbow.
You can learn more about the fish shell by the link here

Install Fish

Install Fish using the following command

$ sudo apt install fish -y

Launch Fish

To start Fish please use this

$ fish

To exit from Fish please use this

$ exit

Configure Fish

You should start with the default configuration file

$ cp /usr/share/fish/ ~/.config/fish

To change the configuration, open the configuration file in a text editor

$ nano ~/.config/fish/

To, for example, remove the default welcome message, add the following line to the beginning of the file

set -g -x fish_greeting ''

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