How To Install And Configure ArangoDB on CentOS 7

ArangoDB is a open source NoSQL database with an open source year and a flexible data model for documents, key values ​​and graphs. This database is easily managed using the integrated web interface or command line interface.

To follow all the instructions in this article, you will need a busy copy of Hostry Vps. It will be designated under IP 185.186.xxxx.xxxx

System update

Before starting, update the system to the last stable available version with this command:

yum update -y

Install ArangoBD

Before installing, you will need to create a yum repository file. To do this, change the directory to /etc/yum.repos.d and create it arangodb.repo using the following command:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/arangodb.repo

Add the following text:

name=ArangoDB Project

Save the file and update the system using this command:

sudo yum update -y

Then install ArangoDB with the following command:

sudo yum install arangodb3 -y

After installation is complete, start the ArangoDB service:

sudo systemctl start arangodb3

The status of ArangoDB can be checked as follows:

sudo systemctl status arangodb3

If everything went well, you should see the following output:

  ● arangodb3.service - SYSV: ArangoDB Server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/arangodb3)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-11-01 21:40:43 IST; 2min 30s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 2766 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/arangodb3 start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/arangodb3.service
       ├─2810 /usr/sbin/arangod --uid arangodb --gid arangodb --log.foreground-tty false --pid-file /var/run/arangodb/ --temp.path ...
       └─2811 /usr/sbin/arangod --uid arangodb --gid arangodb --log.foreground-tty false --pid-file /var/run/arangodb/ --temp.path ...

Nov 01 21:40:31 centOS-7 systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: ArangoDB Server...
Nov 01 21:40:43 centOS-7 arangodb3[2766]: Starting /usr/sbin/arangod:  starting up in daemon mode
Nov 01 21:40:43 centOS-7 systemd[1]: Started SYSV: ArangoDB Server.
Nov 01 21:40:43 centOS-7 arangodb3[2766]: changed working directory for child process to '/var/tmp'

Access ArangoDB CLI

ArangoDB comes with arangosh command-line utility for accessing the database. You can run this utility with the following command:


When prompted for a password, enter the root password. You will see the following output:

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  ___| |__  
 / _` | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ 
| (_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ | | |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___/|___/_| |_|

arangosh (ArangoDB 3.0.10 [linux] 64bit, using VPack 0.1.30, ICU 54.1, V8, OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013)
Copyright (c) ArangoDB GmbH

Pretty printing values.
Could not connect to endpoint 'http+tcp://', database: '_system', username: 'root'
Error message: '401: Unauthorized'

Type 'tutorial' for a tutorial or 'help' to see common examples> 

Allow ArangoDB through the firewall

By default, ArangoDB runs on port 8529, so you will need to enable this port through a firewall. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8529/tcp

Next, you need to restart the firewall service so that these changes are saved and work. This can be done as follows:

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

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