How To Install the PufferPanel on my CentOS

PufferPanel – presented to its clients as a special game server control panel. It is open-source, very easy to use and install. PufferPanel supports Minecraft, Forge, Spigot, Sponge, Source Dedicated Servers, BungeeCord, PocketMine, Forge, and many more. To install this panel, you also need to understand that there is one very […]

How To Install the PufferPanel on my Ubuntu 20.04

PufferPanel – presented to its clients as a special game server control panel. It is open-source, very easy to use and install. PufferPanel supports Minecraft, Forge, Spigot, Sponge, Source Dedicated Servers, BungeeCord, PocketMine, Forge, and many more. To install this panel, you also need to understand that there is one […]

How To Install Apache Maven on Ubuntu 20.04

Apache Maven is a framework for automating the assembly of projects based on the description of their structure in files in the POM language, which is a subset of XML. The Maven project is published by the Apache Software Foundation community, where it is formally part of the Jakarta Project. […]

How to Install RabbitMQ on CentOS 7

RabbitMQ is software that is cross-platform-oriented. RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker written in the Erlang programming language. This software consists of a server, libraries supporting HTTP, XMPP and STOMP [en] protocols, AMQP client libraries for Java and .NET Framework, and various plugins (such as plugins for monitoring and control via HTTP or […]

How to Install Node.js and Express on Ubuntu 20.04

Node.js based on the Chrome V8 Engine, it is a popular language used to build highly scalable applications. He has already involved in many projects, including Express. Download Node.js You need to download the latest version of Node.js by following command: Install Node.js Run the following commands. They will install […]

How to Set SELinux to Permissive Mode

SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is an implementation of a compulsory access control system that can work in parallel with the classic selective access control system. The permissive mode in SELinux represents three specific categories of SELinux modes, whereas in general, we can say that in any particular case SELinux will be […]

How to Setup PM2 on Ubuntu 18.04

PM2 is a very popular process manager for the Node.js JavaScript environment. PM2 was ranked 82nd most popular JavaScript project on GitHub in 2016. This daemon manager includes a huge set of functions, some of which will be listed below: BEHAVIOR CONFIGURATION SUPPORT SOURCE MAP INTEGRATION OF CONTAINERS WATCH AND […]