Wekan is a special great Kanban Board app. It is open source and has the advantage of being developed for card tasks and case management based on the Meteor Javascript framework. It’s a web-based tool that is great for tasks and its interface is very similar to Trello With Wekan, collaborating on projects for developers or other teams becomes much easier as you can easily invite team members to the board, create tasks and assign them to your member with pre-set times. frames. This increases the productivity of teams as the workload is shared among team members and more work gets done in less time.
Installing and configuring Wekan
If you don’t have a snap, you can install it. You can do this with a simple command:
apt install snapd -y
This is followed by the installation of Wekan
snap install wekan
The next step is to configure the website root URL for Wekan using a simple program:
snap set wekan root-url=http://Your_IP_Address
Next, you need to install and configure port 80 http for your Wekan using snap
snap set wekan port='80'
Next, you should restart your MongoDB. Also, a helpful article about MongoDB is here
systemctl restart snap.wekan.mongodb
Then the Wekan service should be restarted
systemctl restart snap.wekan.wekan
Then we recommend that you make sure that all steps were followed correctly. You can check it like this:
ss -tunelp | grep 80
Next, please enable the Wekan service. This will be done every time the system starts
snap enable wekan
Next, install the MongoDB tools. This can be done using the following program:
apt install mongo-tools -y
Then restart your Wekan service for the changes to take effect
systemctl restart snap.wekan.wekan
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