TeamSpeak is a proprietary, cross-platform Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) software widely used by the gaming and tech communities. A description will now be provided of how it will be possible to install a TeamSpeak server on your VPS using Ubuntu 20.04. Before you install TeamSpeak, you must create a separate user to run the server. In this tutorial “user_for_teamspeak” is the username, you can choose any username you want. Please follow the following links.
adduser --disabled-login user_for_teamspeak
Then switch to this user to make certain manipulations and changes. This can be done like this:
su user_for_teamspeak
Before you click on the link below, check the official TeamSpeak website for versions and updates. If it does not match, change the number in the version number of this utility.
Now is using the last version – 3.5.6
After successfully installation, unpack the downloaded archive.
tar xvfj teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64-*.tar.bz2
Copy all contents from the extracted directory to the teampeak user’s home directory.
cp teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/* -R /home/user_for_teamspeak/
The download file isn’t required from now. It means, that you can delete it.
Then you need to accept the license agreement. You will be able to create a special file
Log out of the user’s TeamSpeak session. You can use the following command:
Then, after successfully log out, you can create a systemd service file to start Teamspeak on boot.
nano /lib/systemd/system/ts3server.service
Then you need to add the following text. After adding, you need to save it
Description=TeamSpeak 3 Server
ExecStop=/home/user_for_teamspeak/ stop
ExecReload=/home/user_for_teamspeak/ restart
Then please restart systemd system
systemctl daemon-reload
Launch and enable your installed TeamSpeak utilite to start on boot.
systemctl start ts3server
systemctl enable ts3server
Then you’ll be able to switch to user teampeak
su user_for_teamspeak
The last step is to get the ServerAdmin privilege key needed to connect to the server for the first time
To download, also you can use this link
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