What Is The Difference between Dynamic And Static IP Addresses

To date, there are two types of IP addresses: it is dynamic and static. We will try to explain what is the difference between them.

Dynamic IP Address

In most cases, the IP addresses of computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices are dynamic by default. Dynamic IP address is more secure to use; it makes it difficult for intruders to track a computer on the network.
In most cases, the IP addresses of computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices are dynamic by default. Dynamic IP address is more secure to use. Dynamic still means as “changeable”, or “unstable.” It is always in the process of change and used for a limited period of time.

Dynamic IP addresses are used in large networks, where computers are often reconfigured, or where the number of IP addresses available for distribution to computers is limited.

Dynamic IP address is more convenient to use in cases when working with file exchanges. Often they introduce restrictions, for example, you will not be able to download more than 1-2 files within 4-6 hours. But using a dynamic address, after downloading it will be enough for you to simply reload the router and you can start downloading the next file.

Static IP Address

Since you can count on a static IP address for an infinite period of time, some network software needs a static IP address. ISPs typically charge extra for a static IP address. Your provider may not want to provide static IP addresses to your customers at all.

This is the type of IP address that is permanent. Its difference from the dynamic address is that it is assigned to your login and remains constant and unchanged until the service is turned off. Since you can count on a static IP address for an infinite period of time, some network software needs a static IP address. ISPs typically charge extra for a static IP address. Your provider may not want to provide static IP addresses to your customers at all.
This type of address has a great advantage: For example, when logging in to Internet banking sites and other resources that require maximum protection for your information, it is possible to link your account to a specific IP. And even if third parties find out your password, they are unlikely to be able to access secret data, as this will be possible only from your IP.

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